Lindsay Gutekunst, Senior Vice President
Lindsay Gutekunst is a Senior Vice President at KRC Research. She has extensive experience in helping clients understand and cultivate their communication with customers, consumers, and stakeholders. Lindsay has nearly a decade of experience in strategic research design, implementation, and analysis. She is skilled in helping companies understand their branding and messaging to aid in the development of insights-driven strategy and targeted advertising. She is a subject-matter expert in public education policy and research, including Common Core standards and the new state assessments.
Prior to joining KRC, Lindsay was at Edge Research, where she conducted mixed methodology projects with a variety of clients across industries, including corporate and non-profit. There, her main focus was on guiding higher-education institutions in leveraging brand equity. She enjoys helping clients uncover and understand meaningful insights that lead to best practices. Notable clients include The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, Princeton University, and The US Department of Agriculture.
Lindsay is a skilled RIVA-trained moderator and received an MA from George Mason University in 2011 and a BA from Marymount University in 2005.